Have you been considering taking a DNA test? There are lots of reasons why they are becoming so popular. Some of the most common are:
Discovering or confirming ethnic origins
Finding birth parents, siblings, or extended family
Advancing research by combining genetic genealogy data with traditional records
Assessing hereditary risks for health and medical purposes

Did you know that National DNA Day is next week on April 25th? Why, you ask?
It commemorates two amazing milestones in human genetic history: the discovery in 1953 of the DNA double helix by Cambridge University scientists James D. Watson and Frances H.C. Crick; and the completion in 2003 of the Human Genome Project.[1]
This year, we celebrate the 15th anniversary by highlighting “fifteen ways genomics is now influencing our world.”[2]
Based on last year’s discounts from the major DNA testing companies, I predict we will see some significant sales this coming week.[3] As I become aware of them, I will share them from my Roots&Wings Facebook page. Keep your eyes open for bargains. You can always buy kits now and hold on to them for Mother’s Day or Father’s Day gifts.
Unfortunately, most people underutilize the results of their tests. There are some powerful tools to help analyze your DNA and make connections. There is an amazing, nearly overwhelming amount of information available on how to make the most of your results. I’d love to help you learn how!
A few of my favorite tools are
DNA can help you make some amazing discoveries that paper records never will. My next #52Ancestors post will highlight how a DNA match gave me the story behind an unsolved mystery. Stay tuned!
[1] Judy G. Russell, “DNA Day Sales for 2017,” The Legal Genealogist (http://www.legalgenealogist.com/2017/04/20/dna-day-sales-for-2017/ : accessed 12 April 2018).
[2] National Human Genome Research Institute, “National DNA Day” https://www.genome.gov/10506367/national-dna-day/ : accessed 12 April 2018).
[3] Thomas MacEntee, “National DNA Day 2017 Sales Sneak Peek,” DNABargains (https://dnabargains.com/national-dna-day-2017-sales-sneak-peek/ : accessed 12 April 2018).