Can you guess what this map represents?
(Hint: for the sake of space, I did not include one in Israel).

I’ve placed a pin on the states of residence of my clients in 2018. Thank you to each and every one of you for allowing me to serve your family history research and writing needs!
My friends often ask me what type of research I am asked to do. Here are just a few examples of different types of requests from the past year:
Sometimes large, internationally-known genealogical research firms need to subcontract portions of a project to a professional in a specific location. In the case of one of the Utah firms, I completed some Civil War era deed research in county-level records that are only available on site.
Several clients live out-of-state, but have early roots in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. They have often done a fair amount of research themselves, but come to a “brick wall.” With experience in local archives in Lancaster, York, Lebanon and Berks Counties, I can design a research plan and search the records that are most likely to yield the information which they are seeking. Many times, these projects involve finding documentation to trace back to an immigrant ancestor.
DNA has opened up a whole new world in family history research. I have assisted quite a few individuals who are seeking their own biological families or attempting to resolve a case of misattributed parentage. Tool and techniques in genetic genealogy are constantly evolving, and I love keeping up with the newest developments.
I provided forensic genealogy research services for a lawyer seeking to locate missing heirs of an individual by tracing the descendants of his siblings.
Some of my clients are very interested in learning about their family history, but lack either time and/or expertise to devote to it. I enjoy building online family trees for people and highlighting the most fascinating stories in their ancestors’ lives.
As in any professional service field, there is so much more to what I do than client work. I also:
Volunteer and contribute to my community. In 2018, I began serving as the in-house genealogist for the Lititz Historical Foundation. I respond to brief research requests for those who have family history questions based in our town. I also enjoyed preparing an educational presentation for the genealogy club at the Lititz Public Library. I used case studies to demonstrate how to use local historic newspapers, maps, and even DNA connections to uncover stories.
Write. The #52Ancestors Challenge was a major undertaking for this past year. Now that it is finished, I hope to write more about helpful research tips and local history going forward.
Continue my education. I attended my first major genealogy institute (GRIP) in July. I am also a huge fan of virtual learning and listened to over 140 hours of webinars and podcasts from top experts in the field. Of course, I read each issue of the NGSQ and APGQ. What's next on the agenda? This month, I am attending SLIG (the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy) and will be taking the Advanced Genealogical Methods course from Tom Jones. I can’t wait to incorporate all that I learn into upcoming projects.
Can I help YOU discover your past and inspire your journey in 2019?
