Over the past year, it has been an honor to write about some of the life stories I have discovered through my family history research. The blog has been an excellent tool for sharing the lives of the amazing and inspiring humans who came before us and ensuring that their stories are preserved for future generations. So why stop now?
Fresh from my experience at the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy, I am embarking on the next phase of education and career development.

It was a privilege to soak in the wisdom of the one and only Thomas W. Jones in the Advanced Genealogical Methods Course at SLIG 2019.

First, I am co-leading a ProGen Study Group over the next 12 months with the goals of preparing for and deciding whether I will pursue BCG certification. The application process involves the submission of an extensive portfolio of work – and none of it may be previously published.
It would not be prudent for me to keep publishing a weekly blog featuring material that could be ideal for inclusion in my portfolio. So the blog is going quiet. For now. Trust me, I will be keeping a file of stories I hope to share going forward.
Tom Jones gave our class an excellent piece of advice and I plan to take it to heart. He said, “Don’t ever let your client work and professional activities keep you from your own family history research.” For the next season, my focus is shifting, but I promise I will keep writing the stories that beg to be told.