This is it. The final week of the #52Ancestors challenge. When I type the last words of this post, I will be able to say, “It is finished.”
Someone else uttered those words almost 2000 years ago. But he had made a promise infinitely more profound and a sacrifice unimaginably more costly. His resolution to carry out his Father’s plan of human redemption was undoubtedly the most significant resolution ever made and its impact is eternal.
You know who I’m talking about, right? During this final month of the year, billions of us are celebrating the momentous occasion of his birth. [1]

There was no way I could finish this series by selecting another random ancestor from one side of my family tree. I had to write about Jesus, the Son of God. Because without Him, nothing else matters.
Over the course of this past year, you may have noticed a common theme each week as I told the stories of #52Ancestors. No matter how an individual lived his or her life, not one single person ever escaped death. Except Jesus. And if we accept His gift of eternal life, we can have victory over the grave, too.
I’m not going to rewrite the life story of Jesus here. You see, there was this first century doctor named Luke who already did a pretty stellar job. If you’re a genealogist with an eye for detail, you’re going to like this guy. I gained a new perspective on Luke’s writing when listening to my pastor’s sermon on the first Sunday of December. He focused on just the first four verses of Luke 1.
Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.
I’d never really given much thought to Luke’s research and writing process before, but Luke sounds like he would make a top-notch genealogist! Here’s what I’ve gleaned about Luke’s methodology from my pastor’s sermon and the commentary in my Bible. Family historians, does all of this sound familiar?
He did thoroughly exhaustive research through “carefully investigating everything.” His account is complete, extending back to the very beginning of Jesus’ earthy life. Luke was exact in historical detail, correlating with secular writings of the same period.
He interviewed eyewitnesses like the shepherds and Jesus’ mother and siblings for primary information.
He set out to write an “orderly account” that was generally chronological and meaningfully crafted.
He acknowledges that there had been other reports on the subject (the other three gospels had already been written), but demonstrates the need for this new work. He states his method of approach, sources of information, and most importantly, his purpose for writing: “So that you may know.”
Do you know?
If you’re not convinced that Jesus was who he claimed to be, would you make a resolution to read the book of Luke during January? It’s not that long and it tells the life story of the only One who could make all the difference in your life story.
Don’t let the death date on your gravestone be the end of your story. Let it be just the beginning.
The kids’ worship team I direct at my church singing “Jesus.” 9 December 2018
[1] Image from the movie The Nativity Story, 2006.